have been wanting to take joelis to go and watch the spiderman 3.. i am not a movie person, so i normally find it err... how do i say it... do not like the queueing for tickets part.. :D anyway, joey has been asking almost everyday.. so i decided that last saturday was the best weekend since i was not busy.. my younger sister has a bowling tournament at One Utama. i called up my cuz, Andy, planned for him to pick

us, joelis and i at asia jaya lrt station... sajer, took joelis on the lrt...
[sebenarnya.. tak suka nak drive ke OU tuhh...] hehehe... and guess what... we bumped into Aznil Nawawi... lisa was so thrilled... she went up to Aznil with Andy... got his autograph.. we enjoyed the movie.. thot of watching pirates on the same day..but tickets were sold out!

sunday was music class day as usual... took some photos of joey and his drum...well, not his laa... he is good at it now! he looked so cool playing the drum. :) smsed MB later... looking for something different to do during the weekend. :) he asked if i'd like to go for a walk with him at 3pm.. liked the idea but, since it was already 2pm and joelis and i have not had our lunch yet.. i decided not to go for the walk but watch him play basketball at 5pm instead. i stayed there from 5pm to 715pm... and enjoyed watching them... really envy the stamina that they have and how they shoot the ball!!
got home and went for my usual weekend groceries shopping at giant :) alone this

time, so i made sure that i got a parking spot right in front of giant! reached home around 845pm... late for dinner... starving. joey was so sweet to be with me in the kitchen till i finished my dinner. we went upstairs later... joey was singing rihanna's song all the way.. oh yes.. i taught joelis how to dance chacha... :D kelakar!
that's it folks...update for the weekend! :) i have posted a few photos
here. and now uploading a short video of joey in his drum class.. :) check it out later!
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whats new le?
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